How to afford unexpected pregnancy

In the past, you likely rolled your eyes at women who claimed their birth control failed or their pregnancy was a “surprise”- perhaps you’ve never even had a scare! But at least 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. That means if you have an unexpected pregnancy, you are in a similar situation to half of women in their lifetimes! And not alone- we can help show you how to afford it.

You are likely concerned about all of the costs with having and raising a child. What you might not know is that there are a ton of easily- accessible resources available to you! And Clarity is committed to making it possible.

Medical bills 🩺

One of the biggest concerns may be the cost to have the baby- the prenatal visits, hospital stay, and more! Many women in Kentucky qualify for Medicaid during pregnancy, even if they would not usually otherwise. Here at Clarity, we can provide you with a proof of pregnancy and even connect you with an amazing Medicaid Assister who works with our clients that can often get you qualified within days! This means your prenatal visits, hospital stay, lactation consultations, and more- are all covered.

All. The. Things. 🍼

Babies need a lot of stuff- diapers, formula, car seats, cribs, the list goes on! At Clarity, we offer a program called Aspire– by attending free classes on everything from infant CPR to healthy cooking- you can earn all you and baby need. Seriously! Maternity clothing, formula, a baby bath tub, a car seat, and so much more. Plus the program comes with an opportunity for free counseling sessions and mama mentor to help along the way. Did we mention you will NEVER have to buy a diaper?!

Aspire Women's Program


Rent and housing 🏠

The USDA found that the biggest expense for parents is housing, accounting for 29% of the total cost. If housing stability is a concern for you, our beautiful maternity home is an amazing option for a fresh start. You can live for free (transportation, groceries, and more included) and focus on your goals, not how to afford rent.

Grocery bills 🥑

WIC and Snap is another incredible resource. Clarity can help you get signed up for this too! WIC provides food security and formula. This is an ongoing resource you can receive month after month!

Childcare 👶🏽

A huge concern when faced with unexpected pregnancy is rising childcare costs. So many struggle to afford day care options so they can keep working, maybe you are thinking the same! There is an amazing program called 4-C that can help make childcare possible for you! We can help talk you through this program and application too.

+ so much more! 🚗

There are even more assistance options out there. If you work full-time, you can explore paid family leave at work. There are also many grants/scholarships you can apply for! Locally, we have amazing ministries like Grace Garage that helps women obtain vehicles, Habitat for Humanity, and Helping Hand of Hope. At Clarity, we also have an amazing case manager that can help with realistic budgeting and moving forward with these resources.

Adoption is always an option 💛

Perhaps you cannot afford a baby currently, and do not want to be a parent. While no one will ever feel “ready”, adoption is a beautiful option that allows you to resume your life and gift an incredible, selfless gift to another family. We can talk to you about adoption referrals as well!


It's up to you!


There’s assistance out there for every need you can anticipate. But make your decision based on more than the financial implications. If everyone made their decision as to whether or not to have children based purely on financial considerations, no one would have kids! You also have 40 weeks (nearly 10 months!) to get the things you need in order. If you start the Aspire program now, you can have everything you need and more by the time baby comes!

Plus, no one is really planning anything anyway- so many things in life are curve balls or out of our control. You’ve got this- and Clarity can help.

Let's get started!

